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performance review cycle


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7 steps to transform your Performance Management

49 inspiring questions for effective one-to-ones

The 3 success factors for effective performance management

The 3 essential catalysts for great 1:1s

5 key points when selecting a performance management tool


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Explore our blogs and get inspired by our vision on Performance, Talent & Engagement
From traditional satisfaction survey to employee experience

From traditional satisfaction survey to employee experience

The employee satisfaction survey should be used more frequently as a tool within the performance review cycle, rather than as simply an annual fixture in the diary. Read how in this blog.
How can you use a talent review to good effect within your organisation?

How can you use a talent review to good effect within your organisation?

A talent review is an opportunity for you (and the rest of the management team) to build a picture of how much your employees contribute to the success of the organisation.
Learning is personal reflection

Learning is personal reflection

Learning is essential to be able to innovate and keep on improving. Discover how to develop a learning culture in your organisation.
3 reasons to transform your performance management right now

3 reasons to transform your performance management right now

Why is the traditional performance management cycle changing? What trends are emerging, and what does this mean for your organisation?
Are you transforming Performance Management? Avoid these 3 mistakes

Are you transforming Performance Management? Avoid these 3 mistakes

Discover the 3 most common mistakes made by other organisations when seeking to transform their performance management.
Performance reviews: why they (don’t) make sense

Performance reviews: why they (don’t) make sense

There cannot be many people who actually look forward to their performance review. What would be needed for this to happen?
Why a feedback culture is (not) the Holy Grail

Why a feedback culture is (not) the Holy Grail

Many organisations are seeking to create a feedback culture. But does it present a real solution to the challenges faced by organisations?
Stop doing performance reviews? No way!

Stop doing performance reviews? No way!

It’s the latest trend: doing away with the end-of-year performance review. But is this really a good idea? Let's have a deeper look.
Looking for performance management software? Read our top 4 points to watch out for here

Looking for performance management software? Read our top 4 points to watch out for here

Most organisations are already fairly clear about what they need their new tool to do. But, they often seem to sidestep a number of key points.
3 tips to save time in your upcoming round of reviews

3 tips to save time in your upcoming round of reviews

It’s that time of year, with performance reviews looming on the horizon. Fortunately there are a few easy things you can do now to speed up the process and make them more effective.
How self-management radically changes the performance review cycle

How self-management radically changes the performance review cycle

You probably have self-managing employees and teams in your organisation. But, what do these developments mean for your performance review cycle? Is your cycle a good fit for a self-managing organisation?
Why tooling doesn’t change performance management - and why it’s important after all

Why tooling doesn’t change performance management - and why it’s important after all

One subject that is sure to come up when considering change within performance management is choosing a tool to support the process. Discover the key aspects to consider when choosing a tool.
This is what you didn’t know about performance reviews

This is what you didn’t know about performance reviews

One of the critical aspects to consider when bringing change to your performance management cycle is how you define the process of formal reviews. What are the options open to you, and what precisely do they entail?
Ownership: the key factor to transform your performance management

Ownership: the key factor to transform your performance management

Traditionally, the performance review cycle has been the domain of managers and HR. What if you bring the ownership to the employees?
Why the traditional performance management cycle is on the way out

Why the traditional performance management cycle is on the way out

The days of traditional performance management are numbered. It simply doesn’t serve its purpose any more. What can you do about this?
How to turn performance appraisals into a celebration with the right questions

How to turn performance appraisals into a celebration with the right questions

Are the employees in your organisation looking forward to their performance appraisal? Probably not. Time for a different approach!
How to drive great 1-to-1s in your organization

How to drive great 1-to-1s in your organization

A key HR question for many organisations is: how can we get ‘a great conversation’ with regular 1-to-1s started in our organisation?

“It is nice to write down what progress you have already made”

“It is nice to write down what progress you have already made” Esperance Blaauw – EMC

Esperance Blaauw – EMC